Monday, October 17, 2011

Feedback: How to change the modifier keys on your keyboard

Some people who have switched from a PC to a Mac complain about the fact that Windows uses Control (CTRL) as a modifier key to get things done, while a Mac uses the Command key.  For example, in Windows, to copy something you press Control-C, but on a Mac you press Command-C.  There's not a big difference, except for the fact that the keys are in different places, and after doing something the same way for many years, you build up muscle memory that can be difficult to change.  You might instinctively reach down with your ring finger to copy something instead of your thumb.  How frustrating!  

No sweat.  It's possible to easily change the modifier key layout in OS X Lion.  Here's how:

Go into your System Preferences and select the Keyboard preferences.

Once opened, look down in the bottom right-hand corner for the button labeled "Modifier Keys".

Click the button, and a new window will pop out as follows:

From here, you can change the layout of which key operates as which.  This can get a little confusing, but as long as you know which key is which, that's all that matters.
If you want the Control button on your keyboard to act as the Command button (which would be most "Windows-like"), change the Control option in the right column to Command, and the Command option in the right column to Control.  Or is you'd prefer to use the Option key as the Command key, switch those two.  If you have any problems, or want to go back to the default settings, click the Restore Defaults button on the left.

The important thing to remember is that you want at least one key for each modifier key.  OS X will let you set up two Command keys and no Control key for example.  This is not recommended, as you never know when you might need to use one of those keys.

If you have any other questions, comments or suggestions for topics, email me at  And don't forget to follow us on Facebook!

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